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How To Setup Woocommerce Minimum Order For Free Shipping

Free shipping is a great method to reward loyal customer. Good news is WooCommerce has some nice settings that help you enable free shipping for order that exceed a certain amount. Let’s learn how to setup WooCommerce minimum order for free shipping in this post.

Steps to setup minimum order for free shipping

Here are what we are going to do:

  1. Setup shipping zones
  2. Add free shipping method and set the minimum amount that triggers free shipping

Setup shipping zones

As you may already know, no shipping method exists outside of a shipping zone. So, your first step is to setup a shipping zone. Simply put, shipping zone is the physical range that your shipping methods cover. For example, you want to apply different shipping method, shipping fee for the US and the UK then you will need to setup a shipping zone that covers the US and the other for the UK.

Setting up shipping zones is super easy. If you need instructions setting up shipping zones, click here.

Let’s go to WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping and click on shipping zones:

all shipping zones in woocommerce

As you can see that I have setup four shipping zones.

Add free shipping method for a zone and setup the minimum amount that triggers free shipping

Now, for example, we are going to reward customers in Australia. For all order above $400, they will not have to pay for shipping fee. Let’s click on the Edit link under Australia shipping zone:

edit shipping zone

Now, you see the shipping zone screen like this:

add shipping method

Let’s click on Add shipping method, select free shipping:

add free shipping method for zone

Click on add shipping method, you will be see the shipping zone screen:

free shipping method added

Let’s click on the edit link under Free shipping method we have just added:

free shipping method settings

Here, you can put anything you like in the title. Note that your customers will see the title so make sure you don’t put anything that isn’t suitable to your customer here. In the free shipping requires… field, select “A minimum order amount”. Finally, enter 400 (or whatever number you want) in the Minimum order amount. This number is the cart total (i.e. money, not number of items).

Click on save changes and you are done.

Test free shipping on orders that meet the minimum amount

Now, let’s go to our store and buy one item. In this case, I’m going to buy a pair of shoes. Let’s go to the cart page:

free shipping inactive when the cart total is less than minimum required

As you can see, we don’t see the free shipping option since the cart total is only $54. Now, let’s update the cart to order 3 more. We will have 10 items in cart and the amount exceed $400. After updating the cart, you should see the free shipping option appears:

free shipping option available when minimum amount met

Our customers now can select that option to save the shipping cost.


As you can see, it is easy to setup free shipping for orders that meet a certain minimum amount. This is a great feature to boost customers loyalty. Shipping is a big topic in WooCommerce and there are many customizations can be done. If you need a specific shipping settings, please let me know in the comment section below. I’m always glad to help.

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[Solved] Woocommerce Shipping Zones Not Showing In Cart and Checkout Page

Normally, when you setup multiple shipping zones for your store, in cart and checkout page, you should see the option to select:

change address to australia

However, for some reasons, you don’t see that option. All you see is something like this:

[Solved] Woocommerce Shipping Zones Not Showing In Cart and Checkout Page 1

You wonder, why the shipping zones option doesn’t show up? Well, the fix is quite simple. Let’s go to WooCommerce->Settings->General and scroll down to General Option:

[Solved] Woocommerce Shipping Zones Not Showing In Cart and Checkout Page 2

As you can see, my settings prevent me from selling to any countries other than Afghanistan. So, if you have shipping zones that cover Europe, make sure the selling locations include Europe and shipping locations option is enabled, like this:

woocommerce settings to enable shipping

Make sure you click on save changes at the bottom of the screen.

Now, if you go to the cart page, you can see the option to change the address and select shipping zone:

[Solved] Woocommerce Shipping Zones Not Showing In Cart and Checkout Page 3

That’s it! If you have the problem fixed, that’s great! If you still need assistance, please let me know via the comment section below or via my contact page. Make sure you check the following resources out to have more control over your shipping:

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How To Setup Different WooCommerce Shipping Rates By Country

How To Setup Different WooCommerce Shipping Rates By Country 4

It is not uncommon to sell internationally. The problem arises when you need to handle shipping to different countries. For example, your store is located in the US. Your customers are in the US, the UK, Australia and Vietnam. You want to setup the shipping fee as following:

  1. For customers in the US, the shipping cost would be flat $5
  2. For customers in the UK, the shipping cost would be flat $15
  3. For customers in Australia, the shipping cost would be flat $10
  4. For customers in Vietnam, the shipping cost would be flat $8

Let’s learn how to setup your shipping method to achieve the structure above.

How To Setup Different WooCommerce Shipping Rates By Country

Here are the steps we are going to do:

  1. Add different shipping zones for each country
  2. Add flat rate shipping for each shipping zone

There are only two steps. It’s just simple like that.

Add different shipping zone for each country

Based on the shipping structure mentioned at the beginning of the post, we are going to need 4 shipping zones for each zone, we need a flat rate shipping fee. Let’s learn how to setup one shipping zone and fee. You can do exactly the same for other zones.

First, go to WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping and click on Add shipping zone:


Add flat rate shipping for each shipping zone

Next, click on Add shipping method:

add flat rate shipping method

select Flat rate and then click on Add shipping method.

Then we have something like this:

woocommerce shipping zone flat rate

Next, we are going to setup flat rate fee for the zone. Let’s click on the Edit link below the Flat rate title:

setup flat rate shipping fee for zone

As discussed above, the shipping rate for Australia is $10. You can set the method title to anything you like. Click on Save changes:

How To Setup Different WooCommerce Shipping Rates By Country 5

As you can see, the Save changes button is inactive. That means WooCommerce has saved the settings for us. If you see the button is active (text color is white), just click on it to save the settings.

Now, if you go to WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping, you’ll see the shipping zones you created:

all shipping zones in woocommerce

Test the shipping cost for different countries

Now, let’s make a test purchase. I’m going to order some pairs of shoes on the store.

adding item to cart

In this example, I ordered 10 pairs. Let’s go to cart:

How To Setup Different WooCommerce Shipping Rates By Country 6

You can see that the shipping rate is $8 and it’s the flat rate shipping for Vietnam. As I’m not logged in, WooCommerce determined the shipping method by my IP address (I’m living in Vietnam right now). You can also notice that WooCommerce told us that the cost is only an estimate. To know the exact shipping cost, let’s click on Calculate shipping and change my address to Australia:

change address to australia

After clicking on Update, you can see that the shipping fee is now $10, instead of $8. You can go ahead and change the address to an US or UK address, the shipping cost will update accordingly.


As you can see, WooCommerce provides us some flexibility when setting flat rate shipping for different countries. Using WooCommerce default settings, you can also set shipping fee per product if you like. If you need more advanced shipping fee structure, you may need to use a plugin to achieve that.


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How To Set Woocommerce Custom Shipping Cost Per Product

How To Set Woocommerce Custom Shipping Cost Per Product 7

The goal

Learn how to set custom shipping cost per product in WooCommerce.

The method

We are going to use WooCommerce shipping class to set different shipping cost per product.

What is a WooCommerce shipping class

This is the definition of shipping class on WooCommerce documentation. I think it’s clear enough:

Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type and used by some shipping methods, such as Flat Rate Shipping, to provide different rates to different classes of product.

For example, for a specific shipping zone, when you select a shipping method, inside the shipping method, you can set many shipping classes. Each class can have different cost. This makes it very easy for us to set different shipping cost for each product.

How to set custom shipping cost per product using shipping classes

This is our setup: We have two products, a hat and a vase. A vase requires a more careful shipping method because it’s fragile while a hat can use less secure shipping method. Now, we are going to create two shipping classes:

  1. Fragile product shipping
  2. Normal product shipping

As you can guess, the vase will use the first class, the hat will use the second.

Add shipping classes

Let’s go to WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping class and add these two classes:

add new shipping class

Let click on the “Add shipping class” at the bottom right. You will see there are input boxes appear for you to enter the details. Don’t worry if you don’t see the place to enter shipping cost. We’ll do it later in shipping zones.

How To Set Woocommerce Custom Shipping Cost Per Product 8

Now click on Save Shipping classes and you are done.

Our next step is to create a zone and add shipping methods (if you haven’t got any).

Add shipping zone and shipping method

Let’s click on Shipping zones and click on Add shipping zone. You’ll see an interface appears to enter the zone details. In my example, I use Asia as my zone but you can use any other zones if you like.

add shipping zone

Now click on Add shipping method.

We are going to use the flat rate method.

Now, click on the edit link under the flat rate method:

How To Set Woocommerce Custom Shipping Cost Per Product 9

setting cost for shipping class

Here you can see that there are settings to enter Shipping class costs. In this example, I set 20 for the Fragile product shipping class and 5 for Normal product shipping.

Now, click on Save changes, click Save changes again on the add shipping zone screen and you are done with setting up shipping classes.

Set shipping class per product

Finally, we are going to set the shipping class for our products.

setting shipping class

Let’s go to the product data area (right under the product description area) and click on shipping. When you click on the “Shipping class” drop down, you’ll see the two options we’ve just created. Select Fragile product shipping for the vase and Normal product shipping for the hat.

Now, let’s add vase and hat to cart and go to the cart page. You’ll see the shipping cost is added accordingly:

shipping cost for vase
Shipping cost for vase
shipping cost for hat
Shipping cost for hat
shipping cost for both
shipping cost for both


As you can see, using shipping class can let us setup some flexible shipping for our product. There is no limit of number of shipping classes you can create so you can easily have many shipping options.

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How To Set Woocommerce Shipping Rates By Country

How To Set Woocommerce Shipping Rates By Country 10

The goal

With the introduction of shipping zones, creating shipping rates by country is super easy. We are going to learn how to create flat rates shipping for two different countries in this post.

The setup

For this example, we are going to create flat shipping rate for Vietnam and Germany. The store is located in Vietnam so the flat rate for this country is $5. Shipping to Germany will be higher, $15 in our case.

The implementation

Let’s go to WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping and click on Add shipping zone.

Add a shipping zone for a country

Let’s go ahead and enter zone name and zone regions. In the image above, we created a shipping zone for Germany. Now, let’s go ahead and click on Add shipping method for this zone. We are going to create one flat rate shipping method for each zone.

How To Set Woocommerce Shipping Rates By Country 11

Click on add shipping method, you will get a shipping method like below. Click on the edit button to enter its details:

How To Set Woocommerce Shipping Rates By Country 12

flat rate shipping for country

Click on Save changes and you are done for Germany. Let’s do the same for Vietnam. You’ll get something like this after creating flat shipping for these two countries.

flat rate shipping for two countries Vietnam and Germany

Now you are done. Let’s place test order and see how the shipping based on country works.

Place a test order

Now we have a test order. Let’s go to the cart page, you will see the appropriate shipping rate applied:

shipping rate by country applied

As you can see, the shipping fee is $5, which is exactly what we set when we created the shipping method for Vietnam.

Wait! It doesn’t work for me

If you find the method above doesn’t work for your store, chances are some other plugins or custom code has modified one of the shipping hooks. (`woocommerce_package_rates` for example). In such case, you may need to find the plugin that does that and deactivate it for this method to work.


As you can see, you can easily set flat shipping for each country. You are not limited to shipping based on countries though. If you want a simpler shipping structure, you can set a flat rate for regions like Asia/Africa… However, doing so reduce the level of control over your shipping rates. The choice is yours.