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[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar

With the new version of WordPress, adding HTML to a sidebar widget is easy. In this post, I will show you step by step instructions to put MailChimp form into your sidebar. You can do this with other email marketing services too. The key is to get the HTML code of your form.

The step by step guide

Step 1: Login to your account

First of all, please login to your MailChimp account

[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar 1

Here, I’m in my account dashboard. Now, look at the top menu, you will see a menu item called Lists. Click on that.

Step 2: Select your list

[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar 2

A list is a collection of your subscribers. For example, you are a sleep instructor. Your audience are interested in sleep training. However, instead of putting all the people in one big list, you can split them into multiple lists to make it easier to manage. Here, as you can see I have two lists: Time Management Tips and Software. I select the Time Management Tips list.

Now, notice that at the right side of each list, you will see a dropdown, click on that and select Signup forms.

Step 3: Get the HTML code of your form

[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar 3

Here, you will see the form editor. You can add or subtract the fields if you need to. Then, copy the part under the title Copy/Paste onto your site

Step 4: Go to your Widget area

[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar 4

You may go to this area before. It’s under Appearance->Widgets

Step 5: Add a custom HTML widget to your sidebar

Your theme could have one or more places for you to put the widgets. Those areas called sidebars (though sometimes you will see they appear at the footer). As you can see in my site here, I have one sidebar at the left and 4 areas in the footer.

[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar 5

I’m going to drag and drop a Custom HTML into the sidebar.

Step 6: Put the HTML code of your form into the widget

[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar 6

Now simply paste the HTML code into the Content box. You can give it a title (it will display as a h3 above your form). I don’t put anything this time.

Now click on Save and then Done.

Step 7: See your form

[Picture Guide] How To Add MailChimp Optin-Box To Your WordPress Sidebar 7

As you can see, the form is now on the left sidebar.

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How To Use Visual Composer In The Category Page

Visual Composer is a very popular plugin to visually create your content. There are many widgets, components in the plugin. In addition, there are other plugins that add more functionalities and widgets to Visual Composer make it the love of many WordPress users.

However, Visual Composer can only be used on regular pages/posts. If you want to use it to create content for your category page, you are out of luck. Visual composer doesn’t support creating content for the category page.

In case you don’t know where to put content on your category, here it is:

How To Use Visual Composer In The Category Page 8


As you can see, there is a text editor for you to put the content, descriptions for the category but that’s it. There is no visual composer editor available.

So, how can you enable visual composer in the category page?

Meet the plan

Our plan is quite simple. Instead of putting the content directly into the editor of the category page, we will create a draft post and then display the content of that draft post as the content of the category page.

Why a draft post?

Because you don’t want your visitor to see this post since it’s not a independent post by itself. The sole purpose of this post is to contain the content for the category page.

As a post, you can use all the features of Visual Composer to compose its content.

Let’s look at a diagram, shall we?

How To Use Visual Composer In The Category Page 9

Now, let’s get to the step by step implementation.

Step-by-step to use Visual Composer to create content for your category page

  1. Create the content of your category page in a regular post using Visual Composer
  2. Save that regular post as a draft
  3. Get the draft post’s ID
  4. Install Display Posts Shortcode plugin
  5. Find out what theme your site is using
  6. Create a template file for your category page
  7. Display the content of the draft post in your category using shortcode

I assume that you are familiar with the steps 1 and 2. Creating a post and save it as a draft are quite trivial so I won’t explain in details here.

Step 3: Get a post’s ID

After creating the draft post, make sure you get the post ID and save it somewhere. You can get the post ID of any post by following the instructions below:


Step 4: Install Display Posts Shortcode plugin

You can navigate to Plugins->Add new and search for this term: Display Posts Shortcode and install the one as in the image below:

How To Use Visual Composer In The Category Page 10


Step 5: Find out what theme your site is using

This step is quite simple, please go to Appearance->Themes and you will see what theme is currently active. We need to know this information for the next step.

Step 6: Create a template file for your category page

This step sounds scary for people who don’t know how to code. However, it is very simple. You need to access to your themes folder on your server to complete this step. You can access the files via cPanel or FTP or ssh. Please ask your hosting provider for those details. All hosting providers should have no problem sending you those details.

Here I use Filezilla FTP client to access my files. Please go to wp-content/themes on your sever.

In the previous step, I found out that my site is currently using the theme Blog One, I can see the folder of that theme here:

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I will click inside that folder to see all the files:

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Here, we pay close attention to the one file called single.php. We are going to create a template file for the category using that file.

Now, go find your category ID. The method is similar to finding post’s ID.

  1. Go to Posts->Categories
  2. Hover on the Edit link of your category
  3. Look at the status bar of your browser (bottom left)
  4. Locate the tag_ID value

And that’s your category ID.

For example, my Blog category ID is: 1

How To Use Visual Composer In The Category Page 13


Now, copy the single.php file and name it category-1.php (if your category ID is 300, you need to create a file called category-300.php);


If you use an FTP client such as FileZilla, you need to download the single.php to your computer first, then rename the file to the new name.

Open the file with your favorite text editor. On Mac, you have Sublime text. I use Notepad++ since I’m on Windows.

How To Use Visual Composer In The Category Page 14

Your file may be a bit different, however, it will look something like that.

Now, we need to remove the content of the file from the <?php to ?> in the image above:

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Then, put the following code right at the place where you have just removed the old content:

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Make sure you replace the your_draft_post_ID with the actual draft post ID you got from above.

Now, upload the file to your theme folder (sample folder with the single.php) and you are done.

Now, what you put in the draft post will appear on your category page.

One last thing, please NEVER publish the draft post.

I hope this post has been helpful. Now you can use Visual Composer to create content for your category page.

Update: You can use this method with any page builder, not just Visual Composer. I’ve made a video here demonstrating how I used Elementor to create and display a custom design for my category page:




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Flexbox Align-Content: Space-Between, Space-Around and Space-Evenly

Flexbox Align-Content: Space-Between, Space-Around and Space-Evenly 17

What is align-content

According to the documentation

The CSS align-content property defines how the browser distributes space between and around content items along the cross-axis of their container, which is serving as a flexbox container.

So, in short, this property governs the available space around the items of a flex container in the cross-axis. That means if your flex-flow is row, then the direction of the distribution is vertical. Otherwise, the direction of the distribution is horizontal.

Available values for align-content

You can find all the possible values in the documentation. However, these are the most important ones (I think):

  1. start
  2. end
  3. center
  4. space-between
  5. space-around
  6. space-evenly

What are the space-

Let’s look at the alignment of the items in each case. In our examples, we have a list of boxes. Each box has 5px border(green color) and 10px margin (orange color)


This is the case where the available space is distributed between the items only. There is no space between the container’s border and the first row of the items. The same effect is applied to the last line.

Flexbox Align-Content: Space-Between, Space-Around and Space-Evenly 18


Flexbox Align-Content: Space-Between, Space-Around and Space-Evenly 19

The difference between space-between and space-around is there are space between the container’s border and the first and last lines of items. As you can see in the image below, the height of the space marked number 1 and 4 is a half of 2 and 3.


Similar to space-around, space-evenly assign space between the first and last lines of the items and the container’s border. However, the difference is the spaces marked 1 and 4 are equal 2 and 3.

Flexbox Align-Content: Space-Between, Space-Around and Space-Evenly 20

So, those are the space- values of align-content. I think this property is very useful when align items in a flex container. One last caution is that if the items are arranged in just one line, then you will see no effects applied. The items must be on more than one line.


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How To Search Text In Multiple Excel Files Quickly

How To Search Text In Multiple Excel Files Quickly 23

Working with big Excel spreadsheets never have been easy, especially when you need to search for a piece of text in a file that have thousands, even ten of thousands rows. Searching through a single file can cost you hours, if not days if you work on a slow computer. To make the matter worse, sometimes you need to search in multiple files and search for multiple strings.

Let me give you an example.

I have a imaginary store that sells auto parts. My store has over 400,000 items and they are in two separated files. Opening it on an old computer is problematic. 

search text in multiple excel files

Now, for example, I want to search for parts that contain the text “SPLS” for some reasons. If I go with the traditional way, I would press control + F (or Command + F on a Mac) to start searching. To be very honest with you, looking for results from thousands or million in my case is not an easy task.

To make the problem worse, what if I want to search for multiple text, not just one? What if you need to search for multiple text in MULTIPLE files? Excel only provides us one search box and you can search for one string of text at a time.

Are we out of luck? Is there any better way to search for:

  • Multiple text
  • In multiple Excel files

Search Text In Multiple Excel Files Using Software

Luckily, there is a better way to do this boring task, which is using a pieces of software made exactly to do this task.

Let’s have a look at the software and how it works.

As you can see, this is the software that solves the searching problem in big excel files. You see its true value when you have many files to search and many text to find. Also, the larger the files, the more time the software can save you.

This is the way this software work step by step:

  1. You select the file or files you need to search by clicking on add excel files button at the top left of the panel. You can select multiple excel files using this button.
  2. Then, enter the text you want to search in these files, you need to enter one search per line. There is no limit.
  3. Click on start searching

It takes some time for the software to go through the files and find the text you want to find. As you can guess, the bigger the files, the longer it takes to find all matches. However, in comparison to a human, the software is much quicker, by hundreds times.

You may wonder, is this for Windows only? Good news is Excel Ultimate Search works perfectly on Windows, Mac, and Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Centos…)


Download Excel Ultimate Search

Download the app now to get instant access!

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